Monday, September 17, 2007

Week 2 Lesson 3: Strengths and Weaknesses

My biggest strength, I believe is the ability to think positive. I am of a generation who grew up with computers and, therefore, should be very comfortable with technology. I have to admit, in the past, I have been one who has not liked change. However, as technology has grown, I have come to realize that it is also becoming easier to use. I have discovered how much easier it is to live with this technology. I am looking forward to learning more about the Web 2.0 as we delve deeper into this new technology.
I believe my greatest weakness is giving myself credit. I am a perfectionist and I must be able to do everything equally well. I often get discouraged at things when they do not go perfectly. I am going to need to learn that things do not have to be perfect in order to succeed.

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