Saturday, August 2, 2008

Games and Gaming #38: Console Gaming

Oh, this was just too cool! I LOVE this arcade website. I'm going to have to bookmark it on my home computer. I played Duck Hunt, Tetris, and Simon. I can't wait to try Astroids and Spaced Invaders. I did have a bit of a hard time trying to figure out where the controls were on my keyboard, but it wasn't too frustrating. I felt I was improving my eye-hand coordination and memory by playing these games as a child.

The Maud Marks Library already has a couple of Sony Playstations. I think for library purposes these consoles work well for us. The kids seem to like Guitar Hero and DDR. I would love to see us get Rock Band someday if we could find the room. I think these games work better in the library setting then some of the games which use only control pads. It would also be nice to get a Nintendo Wii, simply because it promotes active involvement in the games. I understand though that these would probably be better for schools who cannot afford gym teachers though.

In the case of our kids, I think they really do just come for the games and stay for the games. This is proven by the fact that the number of teens in the library always doubles when there is a possiblility of "Fun and Fabulous Fridays". Then, when the kids see there are no games, they don't tend to stay. Perhaps there is a way to bring books into the whole gaming day? That way we can get at least a few of them to come for the games and stay for the books.

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