Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Wellness #41: Going Green - Part 1

Well according to the Individual Emissions website by the EPA, my husband and I put out approximately 32,446 pounds of CO2 per year. Not bad considering he has a long commute to work. We already recycle plastic, paper, metal, and compost and produce only about 3 bags of trash every month. There doesn't seem to be a place in the Katy area to recycle glass although my sister-in-law in the Clear Lake area has Ellington Field near her. She offered to take our glass off our hands and recycle it for us. Now I just need to find a receptacle to keep it in between times that we see her.

As the lights in our study, closets, and two extra bedrooms go out, we will be replacing them with energy efficient lights. (We've already replace them in our bedroom lamps and in one in our closet. I will go scour Home Depot if I ever have the time for more energy efficient flood light bulbs. (Unfortunately, those are used in the majority of the house.)

If I get really brave, I might even turn down the heat in the winter (we already keep the house at 65). Eventually (once the house is paid off), we would like to install Energy Star windows and better insulation in the attic.

I have never been to a Farmer's Market but there is one here in Katy that I've always wanted to go to. I see they sell fish, nuts, olive oil, bread and other things I usually have to go to the grocery store to buy. Perhaps the weekend after next, my husband and I might go down there and look around. (I actually do need bread and olive oil.) It will also be good next January/February when I am on my wonderful special diet. We like supporting the little shop owner rather than the big corporate conglomerate.

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