Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Week 7 Lesson 17: Anything Technology

We get to write about anything technology related, right?
Well, I must say, my favorite technological advance is probably e-mail. I was in high school when the entire e-mail craze started so it wasn't until college that I really caught up with the whole "new" way of communicating. But, I must say it has been really fantastic over the past 13 years. (Man, I'm getting old!) My husband and I grew up overseas and it has been a wonderful way for us to keep in touch with our old friends from high school. Now, with just a click of a mouse, we can communicate with people in Belgium, Norway, Scotland, India, and everywhere else. It's so much cheaper than picking up a phone.
More recently, I've also learned the joys of blogging. I started a personal blog (on a different provider) months ago. Now, instead of sending out individual e-mails, (something I am notoriously bad at) I just update my other blog and my friends can follow our lives with our cats and other adventures. It really is a small world after all!

1 comment:

librarians whisper said...

I totally agree with you about email and being able to keep in touch with anyone all over the world. My husband is on an international business trip from Bangkok, Thailand, to Saigon, Vietnam to Mumbai, India and we have been able to keep in touch each day through email. With a 10-12 hours difference in time, email is the most convenient and inexpensive way to say "I love you". I have been considering a blogger too to keep in touch with friends and relatives instead of doing an annual Christmas letter. It would be so much easier to blog each day or weekly instead of trying to recall everything that had occurred annually.