Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring Cleaning #28: Don’t Clutter Up Expensive Cyberspace

I decided to use Remember the Milk. I liked the way I could set things to come back on a weekly/monthly/yearly basis. I can just mark things as done and they will automatically set things back with a new due date. I do not have to keep adding things back in. I was also able to tag things, another advantage. I created my very own honey-do list for my husband full of household chores and repairs he needs to take care of.

When it comes to taking care of my house, I use the FlyLady system. A year ago, a friend of mine with 3 kids told me this was how she kept her house in working order. The entire concept for this is a person can do anything for 15 minutes. If you try to go longer you can get bored, stress, etc. So you set your timer and spend 15 minutes on any one task. Then, even if it is not done, you move on to something else for 15 minutes. Every 45 minutes you take a 15 minute break. I have found this motivates me to get things done quickly and correctly. After all, if you only have 15 minutes before you have to move on, do you really want to come back to a project?

I have found the idea of Getting Things Done rather intriguing. I remember I have often written out a to-do list and then forgotten to look at what I have written down. I think what I'm going to try to do from now on is set aside 15 minutes every Sunday to log on to Remember the Milk and set my to-do list for the week. By doing this on the Internet, I can access it anywhere and therefore have no excuse but to follow through with it at 15 minute intervals at a time.

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