Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring Cleaning #29: Email

I have always tried to keep my e-mail pretty cleaned out. Usually, I keep it under 10% of the space used. That being said, I actually did need to clean it out when this started as I am now over 11%! And, wow, that worked big time!!! It was pretty easy to clear out enough to get the box down to 8%. I just went through and found old messages I had previously forgotten to delete. Now I just have e-mail from people regarding work events coming up.

What really surprised me though was when I was looking in my folder of e-mails I had from family. I hadn't added to it for a long time as I have been encouraging them to e-mail me at my home address. I assure them that it does get checked and only e-mail me at work if there is an emergency. However, I found several old pictures of my nieces and nephew. I hesitated purging them because they were so cute, but really, when was the last time I looked at them. So, delete, delete, delete and purge!!! And now, my box is less than 3% full. It's amazing how much unnecessary space they were taking up.

Now, all my e-mails are in folders, my inbox is completely clear, and my address book is all updated.

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