Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring Cleaning #30: Take a Load Off Our Drives

I post to the S:drive all the time. As programming and publicity coordinator for my library, I am continually creating fliers and posters and then transfering them to the S:drive so that they can be printed downtown.

I spent quite a bit of time deleting files from the P:drive. I found fliers that had been created before I arrived. (I've been here six years.) I deleted any flier that was so old it was not done in current HCPL format. I ended up clearing out probably 2/3 of the old fliers. I also got rid of a couple of old press releases not done on current HCPL letterhead. There were many folders where now there is only one or two things in them. It took me a while to work through the Fonts folder . I tried to be extra careful because I didn't want to get rid of any fonts we still might need.

Best of all, I finally cleared the pictures from my 2004 engagement and 2005 wedding off the P:drive. I've been meaning to do it for a while and I finally had no excuse. There were more pictures than I thought there would be. Now, though, they are on Flickr and off the P:drive. Yea!!!

I don't really have much in my Z:drive. I was able to get rid of one or two of the files there though.

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